To enable or disable capture methods for flows, navigate to the Events tab on the main menu (1), and select the corresponding row for the desired event (2).
![Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 10.40.31.png](
Event Flows
- Event Flows - shows all flows that are available for users to capture leads (1)
- Edit Event Flows - click to add or remove flows, edit capture methods or set up primary capture method (2) Learn how to set up Primary Capture Method by reading this article.
- Capture methods: Business Card, Digital Business Card, Manual Entry, Known Contact List, Badge AI - you can view the available capture methods for this flow, with the primary capture method highlighted in blue (3)
- AI Badge Scanning - in this section, you can enable Badge QR code scanning by purchasing the API Kit (4)
- Event Guest List - in this section, you can add Guest List as a capture method (5)
![Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 10.51.59.png](
Enable and Disable Capture Methods
- To enter Capture Methods editor you need to navigate through Edit Event Flows button to Edit Capture Methods button (1)
![Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 11.27.14.png](
- Badge (AI), Business Card, Digital Business Card, Manual Entry & Known Contact List - Blue Checkmark. No configuration is needed. You can turn on this feature by marking the checkbox (2) or turn it off by unchecking it (3)
- Event Guest List, Badge (QR) - Configuration is required. Red checkmark - the method is switched off and needs configuration (4). Green checkmark - the method is configured and turned on (5)
![Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 11.30.39.png](